I think this a great video to watch in order to learn and understand the concept behind the formation of thunderstorms. It also reviews several images of clouds and explains what is taking place with the thunderstorm weather.
This is another video that explains how thunderstorms form. It is shorter than the first video, but uses terminology associated with density that helps you gain a better understanding of the actual science behind thunderstorm development.
This website is awesome! Granted it's website for kids, but it's very basic and informative. This website goes through the basics of thunderstorms, thunder, lightening, hail, and so forth. Basically, any feature of a thunderstorm.
Winter Storms:
This website is awesome! Granted it's website for kids, but it's very basic and informative. This website goes through the basics of winterstorms. It talks about how winterstorms form, different types of precipitation that are involved in a winterstorm, the lake effect, Nor' easters, an Alberta Clipper, wind chill, and so on.
This is great video to watch to understand how tornadoes form. It's short, to the point, and contains a lot little, yet essential facts.
This website is awesome! Granted it's website for kids, but it's very basic and informative. This website goes through the basics of tornadoes. It discusses different aspectsof tornadoes including what they are, how they are form, how they stop, what to look for in the event of a tornado, and so on.
Dew Point and Relative Humidity:
This is an excellent video to watch if the difference between dew point and relative humidity is confusing to you. It's short and to the point.
This is good video to watch is you have trouble understanding dew point. This video drags out a bit, but it expands on the concepts of condensation vs. evaporation.
This is an excellent vidoe to watch to understand dew point and how it relates to local varitation in climate. It's a little long and seems to drag out at times; but, it is very informative.
This is a good video to watch to understand what a barometric reading is and why it means. It is short and to the point.
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